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We discount Linux and Windows hosting in Australia and we discount domain names.

Why do registrars and hosting companies like to sell through resellers? Simply because it's easier for them to collect money through resellers. That's why we can do cheap hosting.

If clients change their email address, the yearly or two-yearly invoice from the registrar may not reach the client who may then lose the domain name through not renewing it on time.

Resellers are always closer to the clients. Registrars and hosting companies may have tens of thousands of accounts and so cannot provide the same personal service.

Check our latest cheap hosting: $26/year

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Use PHP - Tip for new web designers

When you design a website using entirely HTML and you have a header and navigation menu bar or column, every time you start a new page you will copy the header and menu from a previous page.

However, when the client later asks for a page to be added to the website, all the menus on the existing pages need to be edited and the new web page link to be inserted.

This is where PHP can help. If you have just one file with the header and menu, you can use PHP to include that file at the top of every page. So instead of editing say 30 pages, you just edit the one common header file.

PHP code to include the common header page on every web page is
<?php include "header.htm" ?> where "header.htm" is the file with information common to all the web pages.

The same method can include a common footer in each web page or any common paragraph.

Files containing PHP code should be saved with the extension .php - e.g. index.html should be saved as index.php.

PHP has many uses but this is the first to try.

For a short simple tutorial go to http://us2.php.net/tut.php

Tuesday, 26th May 2015
Newcastle, Australia

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