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cheap domain names

We discount Linux and Windows hosting in Australia and we discount domain names.

Why do registrars and hosting companies like to sell through resellers? Simply because it's easier for them to collect money through resellers. That's why we can do cheap hosting.

If clients change their email address, the yearly or two-yearly invoice from the registrar may not reach the client who may then lose the domain name through not renewing it on time.

Resellers are always closer to the clients. Registrars and hosting companies may have tens of thousands of accounts and so cannot provide the same personal service.

Check our latest cheap hosting: $26/year

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Spam + Viruses

During the latest virus epidemic we receive up to 300 unwanted emails per day. There are strategies to avoid the time it would normally take for a virus checker to download and quarantine the emails.

Since some emails are 68Kb size, downloading the lot would be like downloading over 20Mbs of scanned photos and take ages.

Here are some strategies

  • Junk mail box
    1. Set-up a junkmail email box with your host - say [email protected]
    2. Set-up a redirection of all emails not specifically to your address (i.e. [email protected]) to go to that junk mail box
    3. Log into www.mail2web.com
    4. Enter the real email address for your junk mail box - not the domain one, (if you are with host1 then it may be [email protected]) and password.
    5. Your emails will be listed.
    6. Choose "List All" or see them page by page.
  • Set-up a filter in your email program
      This will separate junk from real mail - but check the junk - real mail can slip into junk
  • Get Broadband
      This allows you to download all mail very quickly

Right click on the page and make it a shortcut on your desktop.

Then we go to our normal email program and download the ones left.

See latest Australian legislation on Spam

Tuesday, 26th May 2015
Newcastle, Australia

Platypus Websites

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Platypus Websites Pty Ltd – ABN – www.platywebs.com.au – email: [email protected]
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