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We discount Linux and Windows hosting in Australia and we discount domain names.

Why do registrars and hosting companies like to sell through resellers? Simply because it's easier for them to collect money through resellers. That's why we can do cheap hosting.

If clients change their email address, the yearly or two-yearly invoice from the registrar may not reach the client who may then lose the domain name through not renewing it on time.

Resellers are always closer to the clients. Registrars and hosting companies may have tens of thousands of accounts and so cannot provide the same personal service.

Check our latest cheap hosting: $26/year

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Install a Digital ID / Private Key

To open encrypted emails, such as credit card details from your eommerce/shopping cart website, you need to install the private key corresponding to the public key used by your website to encrypt the details.

These are the screens in Microsoft Outlook Express. Other email programs have similar procedures.

→ Options.

→ Security
→ Digital IDs.

→ Personal
→ Import.

Click Next.

Browse for the private key sent to you by us.
It ends with .pfx

Enter the password that we sent to you for your private key.
You will only need this again if your computer crashes and the key has to be installed again.
Tick the boxes for security.

Place certificate in Personal Store.

Finish Importing the Key.

Set security level (Medium is OK).


Create a password for daily use.
This will be required before opening any encrypted emails of credit card details, but only each time you open Outlook Express.

Click Finish — Cheers — you've done it!
You can now open encrypted emails.

Tuesday, 26th May 2015
Newcastle, Australia

Platypus Websites

platypus websites
For a website designed to suit you use the wide commercial experience of:
Platypus Websites Pty Ltd – ABN – www.platywebs.com.au – email: [email protected]
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