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Cheap Linux and Windows hosting in Australia. Cheap domain names.

Why do registrars and hosting companies use resellers? Because it's cheaper for them to collect money through resellers. Saves the companies billing for thousands of websites. That's how we as a reseller can do cheap hosting.

Why do webmasters buy hosting and domain names from resellers? Because they can get personal service.

Resellers are always closer to the clients. Registrars and hosting companies may have a hundred thousand accounts and so cannot provide that same personal service.

If clients change their email address, the yearly or two-yearly invoice from the registrar may not reach the client who may then lose the domain name through not renewing it on time.

We are closer to the client and can phone or SMS them to ensure the domain or hosting does not expire without the owner knowing.

We as resellers can shop around hosting companies and registrars for best values.

Check our cheapest hosting: $26/year

Check our unlimited bandwidth: $132/year

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To reinstall WordPress

When do you need to reinstall WordPress?

A. If you are locked out of your WordPress website while running a superceded version of WordPress.

B. If you have been hacked because you are running a superceded version of WordPress.

If you are locked out, you can't get into wp-admin to upgrade the version.

Follow these steps:

  1. In cpanel > databases > MyPhpAdmin > [WP database] > Export [all tables - detailed] to an SQL file on your hard disk > Option Replace.
  2. In FTP or cpanel's Filemanager copy wp-content/uploads to your hard disk
  3. In cpanel > Softaculous > WordPress > remove the current installation noting the database name.
  4. In cpanel > Softaculous > WordPress > install a new wordpress using the same folder and database name as the last one.
  5. In FTP upload the contents of the previous Uploads folder.
  6. In cpanel > databases > PHPMyAdmin > [WP database] > Import the SQL file you exported from the previous installation. ***
  7. In wp-admin you should now be able to install the theme you used in the previous installation.
  8. WordPress may ask you to click a button to update your database to the latest.
  9. Go to Permalinks and reset any custom setting.

Always use the latest version of Wordpress for security. The Dashboard gives you notice of any new version. It's also wise to update to the latest version of your theme. Older versions of WordPress and themes are more subject to hacking.

Upgrading older versions of WordPress from the dashboard will fail if there too many versions between. The only option then is to reinstall WordPress as above.

*** If there have been several versions of WordPress since the old database, there may be some fields not in the latest MySQL database. This will cause the import to fail with an error. Then edit the structure for the table that fails and insert the field names and details that caused the error.

Tuesday, 26th May 2015
Newcastle, Australia

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