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Cheap Linux and Windows hosting in Australia. Cheap domain names.

Why do registrars and hosting companies use resellers? Because it's cheaper for them to collect money through resellers. Saves the companies billing for thousands of websites. That's how we as a reseller can do cheap hosting.

Why do webmasters buy hosting and domain names from resellers? Because they can get personal service.

Resellers are always closer to the clients. Registrars and hosting companies may have a hundred thousand accounts and so cannot provide that same personal service.

If clients change their email address, the yearly or two-yearly invoice from the registrar may not reach the client who may then lose the domain name through not renewing it on time.

We are closer to the client and can phone or SMS them to ensure the domain or hosting does not expire without the owner knowing.

We as resellers can shop around hosting companies and registrars for best values.

Check our cheapest hosting: $26/year

Check our unlimited bandwidth: $132/year

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Platypus Hosting : Service policies - Platypus Websites for cheap hosting, Windows or Linux, Access, SQL Server, MySQL databases, Australia

Platypus Service Policies

Cheap hosting | Linux hosting | Windows hosting | Windows v. Linux hosting | Cheap domains

Email us at [email protected] us any time 7 days a week. We are not available by phone 24 hours a day seven days a week, but we do check our email after hours and at weekends. We often answer any queries then.

Telephone us 9:30am to 5:30pm Eastern States business days on 02 4959 7741 (or lunchtime). We observe NSW public holidays.

One reason for us being hundreds of dollars cheaper than Melbourne IT, Web Central, etc. is that we don't provide a 24/7 help desk or overseas call centre. We can offer personal service.

Meetings and House Calls are not in our prices. We encourage prospective web design clients to put their requirements into emails. We found out in our early days that meetings were a waste of time and that we still needed the specifications and material in electronic format, either in emails, email attachements, or on disk.

Disks, CD's, DVD's, hard-copy prints and other material sent to us are strictly non-returnable. We have received hundreds of disks and it would be impossible to return them to clients.

Verbal requests need to be confirmed by an email contaning full details. We don't register domain names or set up hosting without an email and payment. The reason we don't act on verbal requests on anything else is that we can't guarantee we won't forget details if it comes among a number of phone calls.

We are here to help people and small businesses get the best from their websites. There is a lot of free advice on our website regarding every aspect of having your own website, getting found on Google, optimising pictures and providing information for your customers. Some of our clients follow our advice and run very successful businesses.

Tuesday, 26th May 2015
Newcastle, Australia

Platypus Websites

platypus websites
For a website designed to suit you use the wide commercial experience of:
Platypus Websites Pty Ltd – ABN – www.platywebs.com.au – email: [email protected]
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