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Cheap Linux and Windows hosting in Australia. Cheap domain names.

Why do registrars and hosting companies use resellers? Because it's cheaper for them to collect money through resellers. Saves the companies billing for thousands of websites. That's how we as a reseller can do cheap hosting.

Why do webmasters buy hosting and domain names from resellers? Because they can get personal service.

Resellers are always closer to the clients. Registrars and hosting companies may have a hundred thousand accounts and so cannot provide that same personal service.

If clients change their email address, the yearly or two-yearly invoice from the registrar may not reach the client who may then lose the domain name through not renewing it on time.

We are closer to the client and can phone or SMS them to ensure the domain or hosting does not expire without the owner knowing.

We as resellers can shop around hosting companies and registrars for best values.

Check our cheapest hosting: $26/year

Check our unlimited bandwidth: $132/year

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If your IP address is blocked

You can't see your website in your browser from your own computer but others can see it!

This could mean that your IP address has been blocked by the firewall of the server on which your website is hosted.

What causes this?

The usual message in the firewall log is that wrong logins have been attempted more that 10 times in 5 minutes. Help - that could mean that a hacker is using a password cracking program to login to your control panel of FTP. However we often find that the website owner is the culprit.

Why would anyone try the wrong login 10 times. Surely it would be easier to go back to the original email from us and find the correct login.

How to unblock your IP address

Just send it to us and we will unblock it. Find out your IP address at www.whatip.com. However. if you are with certain ISP's e.g. Telstra or Optus, your IP address may be a dynamic one, which you can change by just switching off your modem/router and switching it on again.

Tuesday, 26th May 2015
Newcastle, Australia

Platypus Websites

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Platypus Websites Pty Ltd – ABN – www.platywebs.com.au – email: [email protected]
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