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Cheap Linux and Windows hosting in Australia. Cheap domain names.

Why do registrars and hosting companies use resellers? Because it's cheaper for them to collect money through resellers. Saves the companies billing for thousands of websites. That's how we as a reseller can do cheap hosting.

Why do webmasters buy hosting and domain names from resellers? Because they can get personal service.

Resellers are always closer to the clients. Registrars and hosting companies may have a hundred thousand accounts and so cannot provide that same personal service.

If clients change their email address, the yearly or two-yearly invoice from the registrar may not reach the client who may then lose the domain name through not renewing it on time.

We are closer to the client and can phone or SMS them to ensure the domain or hosting does not expire without the owner knowing.

We as resellers can shop around hosting companies and registrars for best values.

Check our cheapest hosting: $26/year

Check our unlimited bandwidth: $132/year

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Web Hosting: Location of Servers

Servers anywhere in the world can host your website and we know that there are some very fast servers in the USA. But there are other factors to consider.

  • We have found a three day delay between delegating a doman name to a host in one country and it showing on ISPs in another country. In Australia it takes between 2 hours and overnight.
  • If your main target market is USA then that's a reason to host your website in the USA. If you target Australians then they will open your website quicker if it's hosted in Australia, by a quarter of a second per page and image.
  • Communications can be difficult between different time zones.
  • Some USA hosts require domain names to be transferred to their registries.
  • A host in USA closed down recently giving little notice to Australian clients.

Find the location of the host of any website at www.whoishostingthis.com/

Test the time it takes for a data packet sent from your ISP to the host of any website. At the command prompt (or Start > Run >) type PING and the domain name or IP address. Another interesting command is TRACERT which tell how many hops a packet of data takes between your ISP and the server of a website.

We took times for the following domains hosted in Sydney, Brisbane and Florida. We are located in Newcastle, NSW and did a ping around 7:00 pm on a Sunday night. The difference between Sydney and Brisbane for us was only 15 milliseconds, but between Sydney and Florida the difference was 235 milliseconds. We tested these domains:
— platypuswebsites.com.au (Sydney)
— platypushost.com.au (Brisbane)
— barberipaullfeit.com (Florida, USA)

We therefore recommend hosting Australian websites in Australia.

Cheap hosting | Linux hosting | Windows hosting | Windows v. Linux hosting | Cheap domains

Tuesday, 26th May 2015
Newcastle, Australia

Platypus Websites

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