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cheap domain names

We discount Linux and Windows hosting in Australia and we discount domain names.

Why do registrars and hosting companies like to sell through resellers? Simply because it's easier for them to collect money through resellers. That's why we can do cheap hosting.

If clients change their email address, the yearly or two-yearly invoice from the registrar may not reach the client who may then lose the domain name through not renewing it on time.

Resellers are always closer to the clients. Registrars and hosting companies may have tens of thousands of accounts and so cannot provide the same personal service.

Check our latest cheap hosting: $26/year

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Databases are the 'backend' of ecommerce and shopping carts

A database is basically a list from which information can be extracted.

The list can be of products with names, descriptions, dimensions, prices, links to images. The list can be of any type of information. We prepare your information in databases as simple or as complex as required.

Databases behind shopping carts can be in any format. We prefer databases in formats that you can use on your own computer. MS Access is one we use that can run on any home PC without any server installed. So can simple text files.

We also provide screens for you to update your website database 'on-line'

One client loads testimonials into their database. An indicator on some displays the testimonial on the home page while the others display on the inside 'Testimonials' page. The same method can be used for News items, or Sports club timetables.

Databases allow our clients to update their items without any knowledge of HTML or programming.
See also:

Relational databases allow information from separate tables with something in common to be reported. e.g:

  • Post code in a customer's address related to postage rates from Australia Post with that postcode.
  • Printer name in a list of printers related to list of printer cartridges suitable for that printer.
  • Someone's search preferences related to information in a list of members in a computer dating site.

Tuesday, 26th May 2015
Newcastle, Australia

Platypus Websites

platypus websites
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Platypus Websites Pty Ltd – ABN – www.platywebs.com.au – email: [email protected]
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