16 Mb Linux Hosting


16Mb Space 100Mb bandwidth 1 email account unlimited forwarders. Not enough space for WordPress or databases. But only 50 cents a week!

SKU: HL012 Category: Tag:


This web hosting plan is ideal for personal websites. Why pay more?. It has 16 Mb space and 100 Mb monthly traffic allowance. As the website visitors grow the plan can be quickly upgraded from this. We are just a phone call away. 16Mb disk space can hold a lot of web pages and some images. However it is not sufficient to run WordPress.

Other features include:

– 1 email box and unlimited email forwarders.

– Spam Filter – an excellent spam filter which can forward spam to a spam box for you to check and empty periodically. It reduces the spam you download by 90% and you can create black lists and white lists bring that up to 100%

– Web mail with folders is available using Horde or Squirrel Mail and others.

– Choice of programs to produce statistical analysis of your visitors

– PHP 5

– Many free extras

cPanel control panel

Additional information

